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Why Should You Notify the HMRC when changing address?

There are a lot of reasons why business owners need to relocate. Your business may be expanding or contracting, or perhaps you’ve just moved into a new home and want to relocate your office. And that’s a good thing! If you’re a business owner, you want to ensure your business is always where its customers are.

Whatever the reason, relocating your business can be tricky, especially when it comes to the tax authority. So, why should you notify the HMRC when you relocate? You can take the help of specialist HMRC civil tax investigation solicitors for any advice related to civil tax investigations.

Should you notify the HMRC when you relocate?

Yes, you should. The HMRC will want to know where you’re living.

If you’re moving, they need your new address for various reasons.

You might not realize this, but the HMRC is an important part of our society. They have a huge responsibility for collecting taxes and inspecting businesses for compliance. So even if you’re not moving abroad, the HMRC needs accurate information about your address to do their job properly and efficiently!

Why should you notify the HMRC when you relocate?

Here are the reasons why you should notify the authority:

1- For communication purposes

HMRC will send out reminders and letters to help you keep track of your tax obligations, including:

  • Tax reminders, which are emails requiring action
  • Letters, which are mailed to you and others in your household
  • Policy updates, which alert you to upcoming changes to existing policies and procedures

Notifying HMRC that you’ve relocated will ensure that your tax obligations are taken care of as they should. If they have the wrong address, you will never receive these updates and communication from the authority.

2- To facilitate the inspection

HMRC’s use of periodic inspections to ensure compliance with the tax regulations is a great way to ensure you’re on the right track. If you’ve relocated, you should notify HMRC as soon as possible so they can find out about your new location and start inspecting your records.

In addition to helping keep HMRC informed about your relocation, periodic inspections will also help them facilitate checks in the future. They’ll know exactly where to look for records of materials imported into or exported from the UK (or any other country).

How do you notify the HMRC that you have changed your address?

If you’re unsure how to notify HMRC of your new address, there’s no need to worry. It’s as easy as 1, 2, or 3!

First, log into your account using the same username and password you’ve used for years. Then go to the “My Account” tab and change your address.

If you’re filing via the post office, follow these steps:

Please fill out a form and send it to HMRC, informing them of your new address. If you’re not sure what to do, contact HMRC for help. They can answer your questions and guide you through tax issues.


So, there you have it. Now you know how to notify HMRC that you have changed your physical address. You also understand why it is important to inform the authority once you have moved to a new area. Use the procedure in this article to ensure HMRC has your right address.

Daniel Egusa

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